You can connect directly to a Turso database by using the following command:

turso db shell <database-name> [sql] [flags]


--instance <instance>Connect to the specified database instance.
--location <location-code>Connect to the database at the specified location.
--proxy <url>The proxy to use when connecting to the database.


Execute SQL

You can execute SQL directly against a database using the shell:

turso db shell <database-name> "SELECT * FROM users"

Database dump

You can dump the contents of a Turso database using the following command:

turso db shell <database-name> .dump > dump.sql

The .dump can be used to rebuild a database and doesn’t contain any libSQL or SQLite internal tables.

Load from dump

You can load a dump file into a new database using the following command:

turso db shell <database-name> < dump.sql

Shell with libSQL server

If you’re using turso dev locally, you can use the shell by providing the URL to your database:

turso db shell

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