The Turso CLI gives you everything you need from the command line to manage your database, API tokens, inviting users, and launching the database shell. If you’re waiting for a migration to run, there’s also a relax command.

You can also programmatically manage your Turso account, including groups, databases, organizations and invites using the Platform API.



Begin by installing the Turso CLI:

brew install tursodatabase/tap/turso


Now signup or login:

turso auth signup


The Turso CLI provides the following commands:

authAuthenticate and manage API tokens.
contactSubmit your feedback, ideas and create a meeting with the team.
dbCreate and manage databases, access tokens and connect to the shell.
devRun Turso locally for development.
groupCreate groups for databases with a shared location.
orgManage billing and invite members.
planoverages, select, show, upgrade
quickstartGet started with Turso in 5 minutes.
relaxTake some time out and relax with Turso.
updateUpdate to the Turso CLI to the latest version with one command.