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Before you start, make sure you:


Retrieve database credentials

You will need an existing database to continue. If you don’t have one, create one.

Get the database URL:

turso db show --url <database-name>

Get the database authentication token:

turso db tokens create <database-name>

Assign credentials to the environment variables inside .env.

You will want to store these as environment variables.

Get application code

Fork and clone the following embedded replica project from GitHub locally:

My Expenses Tracker - (Elysia + Bun)

See the full source code

You can use Fly’s dockerfile generation package to create a Dockerfile for your own project. Make sure that your image includes ca-certificates (or equivalent) to be able to sync.


Launch your application on Fly

Run the following command from your project root directory to launch your application on fly:

fly launch

Fly will give you the default configurations for your app which you are free to update.

Organization: Turso                         (fly launch defaults to the personal org)
Name:         embedded-replicas-with-nodejs (derived from your directory name)
Region:       Johannesburg, South Africa    (this is the fastest region for you)
App Machines: shared-cpu-1x, 1GB RAM        (most apps need about 1GB of RAM)
Postgres:     <none>                        (not requested)
Redis:        <none>                        (not requested)
Sentry:       false                         (not requested)

On completion, you’ll have Fly configuration file fly.toml added to your project.


Add Secrets to Fly

Add the database and other credentials needed in your application as Fly secrets:

fly secrets set TURSO_DATABASE_URL=libsql://[db-name]-[github-username].turso.io
fly secrets set TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN=...
fly secrets set LOCAL_DB=file:dbs/expenses.db
fly secrets set HOSTNAME=
fly secrets set SECRET=...
fly secrets set PORT=3000

Deploy your fly application.

fly deploy