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Before you start, make sure you:


Retrieve database credentials

You will need an existing database to continue. If you don’t have one, create one.

Get the database URL:

turso db show --url <database-name>

Get the database authentication token:

turso db tokens create <database-name>

Assign credentials to the environment variables inside .env.

You will want to store these as environment variables.

Get application code

Fork the following embedded replica project from GitHub locally:

My Expenses Tracker - (Elysia + Bun)

See the full source code


Create a web service

Create a new Render Web Service by clicking on the “New Web Service” button on the Web Services card inside you Render dashboard.


Connect to Git repository

  1. Select “build and deploy from a Git repository” and proceed to the next page.

  2. Click on “Connect” for your target project repository


Set project's environment variables

On the web service configuration page, under “Advanced” add a secret file and fill it in with your database secret credentials:

Render secret credentials


Deploy project

Scroll to the bottom of the web service configuration page and click on “Create Web Service”.